Ralph M. Viggiano Certificates
Object NameCertificate, Membership
Card, Membership
Historic Owner
Ralph M. Viggiano
USS Intrepid (CV/CVA/CVS-11)
DateOctober 27, 1966–December 3, 1967
PeriodVietnam War; Cold War
Mediumpaper, ink
ClassificationsCommunication Artifacts
Credit LineColletion of the Intrepid Museum. Gift of the family of Ralph Viggiano. A2021.07
Object numberA2021.07
DescriptionExtent: 1 folder, 1 oversize folderCertificate, Membership; Imperium Neptuni Regis, October 27, 1966. Imperium Neptuni Rex certificate that commemorates a sailor crossing the equator. The headline reads "Imperium Neptuni Regis" on a banner below which Neptune is shown riding his chariot, led by two white horse/fish hybrids or hippocampi, across the waves with the winds Zephyr and Boreas on either side. Around the border is scrolling waves and seaweed with mystical and marine creatures.
The certificate reads "To all sailors wherever ye may be: and to all the Mermaids, Whales, Sea Serpents, // Porpoises, Sharks, Dolphins, Eels, Skates, Suckers, Crabs, Lobsters, and all other living things of the sea // Greetings: Know ye: That on this 27 day of October 1966, in Latitude 00 and Longitude 108 // there appeared within Our Royal Domain the USS Intrepid (CVS-11) bound for the equator // and for United States of America. Be It Remembered That the said vessel and // Officers and Crew thereof, have been inspected and passed on by Ourself and Our Royal Staff. // And Be It Known: By all ye Sailors, Marines, Land Lubbers and others who may be honored // by his presence that Ralph Viggiano, FN, USN having been found // worthy to be numbered as one of our trusty Shellbacks he has been duly initiated into the // Solemn Mysteries of the Ancient Order of the Deep // Be it further understood: That by virtue of the power invested in me I do hereby command all // my subjects to show due honor and respect to him wherever he may be. // Disobey This Order Under Penalty of Our Royal Displeasure. // Given under Our Hand and Seal this 27 October 1966 // Davy Jones // His Majesty's Scribe // Neptunus Rex // Ruler of the Raging Main // By his Servant John W. Fair".
The bottom reads “©Copyright Marine Photos & Publishing Co., P.O. Box 6162, San Diego, California 1954”.
Certificate, Membership; Realm of the South Wind, December 3, 1967. Realm of the South Wind certificate that commemorates traveling around the southern tip of Africa and shows Africa, a ship, a treasure chest, an anchor, a mermaid, and a merman.
The certificate reads "To all Mariners wherever ye may be: // and to all and sundry wherever ye may dwell // Greetings: // Know ye that on this 3 day of December, 1967 // the USS Intrepid CVS-11 sailed round the // southernmost point of the African Continent at historic // Cape of Good Hope // And Be It Known: By all ye sailors, marines, landlubbers // and others who may be honored by his presence that // Ralph M. Viggiano, BT3 // having been found worthy and chosen to enter the // Brotherhood of Sea Dogs of All Ages // who have cruised and adventured far beyond the beaten path. // And Be It Known: therefore, that from this day forward // he is granted special privilege to spit windward. // Given under our hand and seal this 3 December 1967 // Neptunus Rex // Ruler of the Raging Main // By his servant // J.A. Dickman [signed] // J.A. Dickman, CDR. USN // By direction // commanding // W.J. McVey, Capt. USN".
Card, Membership; Imperium Neptuni Regis, October 27, 1966
Card, Membership; Realm of the South Wind, December 15, 1967
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