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Black and white image of four men sitting around a table with two chess sets at the center of t…
Sailors Playing Chess
Black and white image of four men sitting around a table with two chess sets at the center of t…
Black and white image of four men sitting around a table with two chess sets at the center of the table

Sailors Playing Chess

Object NamePhotograph
DateOctober 23, 1961
PeriodCold War
Mediumphotographic paper
ClassificationsCommunication Artifacts
Credit LineCollection of the Intrepid Museum. Museum Purchase. P2017.05.10
Object numberP2017.05.10
DescriptionPhotograph, Black and white; Horizontal image of four light-skinned men sitting around a table with two chess sets at the center of the table. There are two officers on the left. Pierce Yarrell "PY" Matthews Jr is the officer furthest to the left. The officer on the right is a chaplain. The men on the right are enlisted men in dress blue jumpers. An ashtray is also next to each chess set. A chief petty officer with a master-at-arms badge and four reenlistment stripes is standing on the right edge of the photograph. The tournament is taking place in the crew’s lounge and a locker with “Reference” is in the background. There is a white border around the image. The back has “CVA-11 2347(2) 10.61 Date 10/23/61 // U.S.S. Intrepid (CVA-11) // Subject: Chess tournament in crews // lounge between USS Intrepid // (CVA-11) & USS Newport News (CA-148)’s // chess teams // Official U.S. Navy Photograph // Not for publication // unless officially released” stamped and written in black at the center. Around the edges is “The Chief petty officer is the // chief master at arms (ship sheriff). // He didn’t play due to // a “no-show” // from other // ship.”, “Enlisted man facing away (behind // chaplain) beat our champ LCDR // Slater.” and “This fellow was winning at // the beginning but I did at the // end. Chaplain Rogers, Methodist weightlifter // from Texas, organized the tournament.” written in faded black ink.

The photograph is accompanying a letter dated November 22, 1961.

For full text of letters, see A2017.05 or ArchivesSpace record

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