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Robert J. Salmanowitz Scrapbook

Date1955–April 1956
PeriodCold War
Mediumpaper, photographic paper, fabric
ClassificationsCommunication Artifacts
Credit LineCollection of the Intrepid Museum. Gift of the family of Robert Salmanowitz Sr. 2016.43.01a-b
Object number2016.43.01a-b
DescriptionScrapbook; 1955–April 1956 photograph album (a) of 38 black pages containing black and white personal photographs attached to pages using black photo corners. There is one loose photograph (b). The scrapbook is bound with string through two holes punched in each page with a burgundy spine. It is missing a front and back cover. The photographs appear to be taken by Robert J. Salmanowitz but book is assembled and captioned by presumably his wife. The majority have similar captions on the backs of photographs also.

b) Loose photograph – horizontal image of Intrepid’s port side and fantail taken from a plane with its wing visible in the lower right corner. Intrepid is traveling towards an industrial coastline with buildings visible and accompanied by a small boat, possible a tugboat.

Page 1: Contains four photographs and one missing. Top left is missing but captioned “U.S.S. Intrepid CVA-11 // June 16, 1955.” Top right is of a sailor in whites on the flight deck in front of a F-2H-4 Banshee numbered “412” and “VF 44” and captioned “June 16, 1955”. Center is of a sailor in whites leaning on a plane and captioned “June 16, 1955”. Bottom left is of two men overlooking the ocean from a gun tub and captioned “Spanish Admirals // on Intrepid”. Bottom right is of multiple FJ-3 Fury planes parked on the flight deck and numbered “403” and VF 173” and captioned “Flight deck on Intrepid”. The backs all have “11” written in pencil on them.
Page 2: Contains five photographs. Top left is captioned “Spanish fishing boat. // June 16, 1955”. Top right is of sailors lining the port side of Intrepid and captioned “Liberty on Intrepid. // June 16, 1955”. Center is captioned “Quarter deck and // liberty boats.” Bottom left is looking off Intrepid towards the shoreline. Bottom right is captioned “Super structure – Intrepid”.
Page 3: Contains three photographs and two missing. Top left is missing but captioned “Leaning Tower of // Pisa. – June 22, 55”. Top right is missing but captioned “Mt. Vesuvius – July 7, 55”. Center is captioned “Road leading to Vesuvius.” Bottom left is captioned “Mt. Vesuvius in background.” Bottom right is captioned “Pier in Naples – July” and back reads “Pier near where we’re anchored”.
Page 4: Contains five photographs. Top left is captioned Fleet landing – Naples”. Top right is captioned “Tugs – July 1955”. Center is captioned “Lighthouse – Naples”. Bottom left is captioned “Naples, Italy – July 1955”. Bottom right is of an industrial shoreline in the background and captioned “July 1955”.
Page 5: Contains five photographs. The top three are of scenes overlooking Naples and captioned “Naples, Italy – July 1955”. The bottom left is captioned “Road in Naples. July 6, 1955”. The bottom right is captioned “Hotel in Naples. // July 1955.” All have “627” stamped in black on the backs.
Page 6: Contains five photographs. Top left is of F-2H-4 Banshees and FJ-3 Fury planes numbered “302” in front of the Island and captioned “Flight deck. July 1955 // U.S.S. Intrepid CVA-11”. Top right is captioned “Restaurant in Naples // July 1955.” Center is of five sailors by their bunks and captioned “Hot card game, July 1955 // U.S.S. Intrepid”. Bottom left is of a shirtless man with a towel around his neck in berthing and captioned “?” Bottom right is of a sailor in whites posing and captioned “The sun was in his eyes?” and back reads “The sun was in my eyes. // I love you”. All have “627” stamped in black on the backs.
Page 7: Contains six photographs. Top left is captioned “The Acropolis – Athens 8-22”. Top right is of a sailor leaning against a plane numbered “302” and captioned “474-01-68”. Center left is captioned “Tom Flatley 8-10”. Center right is of Salmanowitz standing in front of a FJ-3 Fury with “VF 173” and captioned “Cute isn’t he?” Bottom left is of a shirtless man and a beach and umbrellas behind him and captioned “Don Edwing” and back reads “buddy, Don Edwing (Jersey)”. Bottom right is of a shirtless Salmanowitz wearing a Dixie cap on a beach and captioned “Well” and back reads “handsome ain’t I? haha”.
Page 8: Contains four photographs and one missing. Top left is missing but captioned “Intrepid band”. Top right is of the band not playing but a drum is visible and captioned “Band – 8-22-55”. Center is of a woman and other visitors on the flight deck and captioned “Visitors on Intrepid”. Bottom left is captioned “Bob Whitley - // Fibber McGee // Don Edwing // Beach in Rapollo” [Rapallo]. Bottom right is captioned “Visitors on elevator // on Intrepid 8-11-55”.
Page 9: Contains five photographs. Top left is of an AD-6 Skyraider with “511F” on its wing and captioned “Plane taking off”. Top right is of a F2H-2P Photo Banshee numbered “910” and VC 62” and captioned “Jet preparing for // take off. 8-3-55”. Center is of an AD-6 Skyraider with “503F” on its wing and captioned “Taking off”. Bottom left is of a F2H-2P Photo Banshee and captioned “Coming in for a // landing.” and back reads “plane coming in for a landing, taken // from fantail.” Bottom right is captioned “Plane on elevator”.
Page 10: Contains four photographs and one missing. Top left is captioned “Tanker alongside the // Intrepid for refueling.” Top right is missing but captioned “8-10-55 // Tanker”. Center is captioned “Tanker and destroyer.” Bottom left is captioned “Destroyer after // refueling 8-6-55”. Bottom right is captioned “Boat full of sightseers.”
Page 11: Contains five photographs. Top left is captioned “Jet on take off. // Catapults still steaming.” Top right is of a helicopter, possibly a HO3S-1 Dragonfly and captioned “Helicopter just // taking off.” Center is captioned “Helicopter near // destroyer.” Bottom left is captioned “Rapollo in background. // 7-28-55” and back reads “Rapollo, from fantail”. Bottom right is captioned “Rapallo in background”.
Page 12: Contains five photographs. Top left is captioned “Vittoria Square, 7-30-55 // Genoa, Italy.” Top right is captioned “Fleet landing, Rapollo.” Center is captioned “Guess who! 8-6-55 // at the U.S.O. in Salonika”. Bottom left is captioned “My Bobby in Greece // 8-8-55” and back reads “Love me?” Bottom right is captioned “Who him?” and back reads “Who me?” Top photos have “5” written in pencil on back and bottom three have “907” stamped in black on back.
Page 13: Contains five missing photographs and 20 black photo corners. Top left is captioned “Section of Acropolis.” Top right is captioned “Ancient outdoor // Theatre, Greece. 1955”. Center is captioned “The Acropolis. 8-13-55”. Bottom left is captioned “Ruins of Initiation // Temple, Greece. 8-1955”. Bottom right is captioned “Part of Initiation Temple. // Greece. Aug, 1955”.
Page 14: Contains five photographs. Top left is captioned “U.S.O. Salonica, Greece.” Top right is captioned “View of Salonica.” Center is captioned “Park in Salonica // notice the Mighty ‘I’ in // background.” Bottom left is captioned “Hotel in Salonica. // 8-13-55”. Bottom right is captioned “White tower – Salonica // 8-14-55”. All have “907” stamped in black on the backs.
Page 15: Contains three missing photographs and 12 black photo corners. Top left is missing but captioned “Valencia – Spain”.
Page 16: Contains three photographs and two missing. Top left is of Salmanowitz posing in his dress blues and captioned “10-9-55 // Paterson, N.J.” Top center is of Salmanowitz sitting in a white patio chair and captioned “10-9-55”. Top right is captioned “April 1956”. Bottom two are missing with “In // lab // Intrepid.” captioned between them and “April 1956” captioned beneath them.
Page 17: Contains two photographs and two missing. Top left is missing but captioned Bob was stumped”. Top right is missing but captioned “Captains personnel inspe (cut off)”. Bottom left is captioned “Cdr. R. Semmes // X.O. U.S.S. Intrepid”. Bottom left is captioned “Capt. P. Blackburn // U.S.S. Intrepid”.
Page 18: Contains one missing photograph and four black photo corners that is captioned “X Division. U.S.S. Intrepid // 1955”.
Page 19: Contains one photograph captioned “Naples, Italy // 9-16-55” and back reads “Taken at U.S.O. – Naples, Italy // 9-16-55 (no comment)”.
Page 20: Contains one missing photograph and four black photo corners that is captioned “Cutlass in Hangar Deck // Intrepid CVA-11”.
Page 21: Contains four photographs. Top left is captioned “Road leading to // Sudha [Souda] Bay, Crete 4-1956”. Top right is captioned “ ‘Home sweet home’ // Sudha Bay – 1956”. Bottom two are captioned “ ‘Sheep herders’ in Sudha Bay – April 1956”.
Page 22: Contains three photographs. Top left is captioned “Intersection – Apr. 1956 // Sudha Bay”. Right is captioned “Old lady getting // water from well. // Sudha Bay. // April 1956”. Bottom left is of two farmers and a horse in a field and captioned “Farmers at end of day. // Sudha Bay. Apr. 1956”.
Page 23: Contains two photographs and two missing. Top left is of a stand on the side of the road and back reads “shoes shine stand // Sudha Bay, Crete”. Top right is of numerous sailors in dress blues in front of a Greek building and back reads “E.M. Club // Sudha Bay, Crete”. Bottom two are missing but photo corners remain.
Page 24: Contains two photographs and one missing. Top left is of folding chairs set up in a gymnasium with a basketball net and back reads “Catholic Easter services”. Top right is a service on the flight deck in front of the Island and back reads “Protestant sunrise services, Easter // Sunday.” Bottom one is missing but photo corners remain.
Page 25: 15 black photo corners still attached but blank.
Page 26: Contains three photographs and three missing. Top left is of three men with a paint can and brushes. Top center is of two men on possibly a laundry press with a yellow square that reads “B-101-7L // OP-DIV // 86-89”. Top right is missing but photo corners remain. Bottom left is of Salmanowitz at work possibly in a photo lab. Bottom center and right are missing but photo corners remain.
Page 27: Contains three photographs and one missing. Top left is a group of men on the flight deck, two are holding cameras, and back reads “O.P. Division”. Top right back reads “Main Street – Cannes, France”. Bottom left back reads “Waterfront – Cannes, France”. Bottom right is missing but photo corners remain.
Page 28: Contains four photographs. Top left back reads “Downtown, Cannes, France”. Top right back reads “sidestreet, Cannes, France”. Bottom left is of two men reading a book and back reads “Chief Riley + Wilcox”. Bottom right is of two men flipping through a binder and back reads “J.E. Frank, PHI”.
Page 29: Contains three photographs and one missing. Top left is missing but photo corners remain. Top right is of 10 men sitting in an interior ship space and back reads “Photo gang”. Bottom left is of two men and one in the background and back reads “Wilcox, O’Herin”. Bottom right is of a man kneeling in the photo lab and back reads “Pennington, drying // aerial film.”
Page 30: Contains three photographs and one missing. Top left is of a bull fighter with bull, back reads “Bull fight // Palma, Majorca”. Top right is of a bull charging at a bull fighter, back reads “Bull fight // Palma, Majorca”. Bottom left is missing but photo corners remain. Bottom right is of bull fighters in the ring with bull, back reads “Bull fight // Palma, Majorca”.
Page 31: Contains three photographs and one missing. Top left is of a bull fight in an amphitheater, back reads “Bull Fight // Palma, Majorca”. Top right is of a bull fighter facing a bull, back reads “Bull fight // Palma, Majorca”. Bottom left is of bull fighters filing into the amphitheater, back reads “Bull fight // Palma, Majorca”. Bottom right is missing but photo corners remain.
Page 32: Contains three photographs and one missing. Top left is a close up of damage to a plane, back reads “Tail of helicopter after crash”. Top right shows a captain in uniform, back reads “Capt PP Blackburn // C.O.” Bottom left is missing but photo corners remain. Bottom right is of a crashed helicopter with sailors working around it, back reads “Helicopter crash”.
Page 33: Contains four photographs. Top left is of sailors working on the flight deck in port. Top right is of ships passing through a harbor. Bottom left is of Intrepid under renovations in port. Bottom right is of Intrepid under renovations in port.
Page 34: Contains three photographs, one missing. Top left is missing but two photo corners remain. Top right shows sailors working on the flight deck. Bottom left show aircraft carrier (probably Intrepid) surrounded by scaffolding under renovations. Bottom right is of a palace, back reads “Temple where Mussolini // made his speeches, Naples, Italy”.
Page 35: Contains four photographs. Top left is of a large statue, back reads “Statue across from // Italia Hotel, at // night // Naples, Italy”. Top right is of Intrepid docked in unknown location. Bottom left is of an active dock. Bottom right is of a large indoor space, back reads “Public [illegible] Naples, Italy”.
Page 36: Contains five photographs. One of Intrepid crossing under a bridge, one of two sailors inspecting a helicopter crash, back reads “Helicopter Crash,” one of two sailors standing in front of a large palace, back reads “Palace at Monaco,” one of a sailor on the telephone wearing a jacket with an Intrepid patch on the front, and one of a sailor in the photo lab aboard Intrepid.
Page 37: Contains two photographs and two missing. Top left is of an outdoor walkway leading up to a fountain with a man in a suit walking towards the camera, back reads “Park in // Naples, Italy”. Bottom left is of stone house with surrounding garden, back reads “House where Columbus // was born; Genoa, Italy”. Both right photos are missing but photo corners remain.
Page 38: Contains one photograph and three missing. Bottom left is of an aircraft carrier (probably Intrepid) in New York Harbor with the Statue of Liberty in the background.
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