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USS Intrepid Cruise Jacket and Insignia Patch

Object NameJacket
Historic Owner
PeriodCold War
ClassificationsPersonal Artifacts
Credit LineCollection of the Intrepid Museum. Gift of Marc Wolf, Former Crewmember of VS-31. 2022.36.01
Object number2022.36.01a,b
DescriptionUSS Intrepid cruise jacket (a) and insignia patch (b) with USS Intrepid seal.

(a) Jacket; Navy blue USS Intrepid cruise jacket with brass zip closure and folded collar. Six black plastic buttons are sewn vertically next to the zipper on the left side of the jacket and there is fabric panel that covers the zipper with six corresponding button holes on the right. There are two central pockets on either side of the front of the jacket. A blue fabric hanging loop is attached to the interior below the collar. The jacket has various patches sewn to the front, back and shoulders.

The left arm has an American flag patch attached to the shoulder with white stars on a blue background and alternating red and white horizontal stripes. A patch on the left chest panel is circular with black thread outlines. The outer edge has a blue stripe with "U.S. Naval Air Station // Willow Grove, PA." in white text. The center has a white background with red shield. Superimposed over top is orange outstretched eagle wings and a fouled anchor, with an image of the Liberty Bell in the center. A blue unit identification mark patch is attached to the right shoulder and reads "Airantisubron 31" in white text. Attached below the unit identification mark is a white circular U.S. Navy patch. It has gold thread that reads "United States // Navy" around the outer edge with two five pointed stars on either side of "Navy". In the center there is an image of an eagle with outstretched wings grasping a federal shield in its talons, superimposed over two crossed fouled anchors. The shield has blue and white stars on the top and red and white horizontal stripes below. A patch on the right chest panel depicts the insignia for Anti-Submarine Squadron 31 (VS-31). The design features a blue circle with black edges depicting a black cat on a cloud over green water. The cat has a pink face, ears, paws, and tip of its tail. The cat has an angry face and is reaching down from the cloud toward a black mouse swimming in the water. The mouse resembles a submarine with its tail sticking out of the water like a periscope. Below the design is a blue banner that reads "Airasron - 31" in white text.

The back of the jacket has a central patch for the Mediterranean cruise. The top half of the circle has a blue sky with yellow sun. On the left side a black and white cat stands wearing a top hat on yellow sand with a palm tree. On the right side a black cat stands wearing a red Santa hat on white snow. Black text on the patch reads "19 Med Northlant Cruise 71 // VS 31". Attached around the outside of the patch are smaller patches depicting the names of countries where the ship stopped for various ports of call during the cruise. Each patch is in the shape of a shield with a felt background and depicts the specific country's flag or other iconography. In order, clockwise from the top the countries are USA, Norway, Scotland, Denmark, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Great Britain and Portugal.

The interior of the coat has the donor/owner's name and service number stamped with white lines and/or dots in three places, on either side of the zipper opening and at the back bottom hem. The text in each area reads "Wolf, M. D. // D194090". A white label is attached to the interior below the hanging hook and reads "Name // Service No // Contract No DSA 100-68-C-1136 // Size 40 Reg" in black ink. There is also a faded stamp of "11" in a circle on the label.

(b) Patch, Insignia; Round fabric patch that depicts the USS Intrepid seal. The patch is outlined with black thread and reads “USS Intrepid // CVS-11" and the Latin motto "In Mare // In Coelo” (In the sea, in the sky) in black text. The seal’s imagery is divided in the center by a six-pointed gold star. The left half of the circle is dark blue with an image of an aircraft carrier below latitude and longitude lines. The right half is light blue with six four-pointed gold stars.

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